Kelsey Boyte, owner

Kelsey lives in Carmel Valley with her husband, Shaun, and two young boys, Silas and Soren. Her family moved to the Village in 2020 after a decade in Boulder, Colorado, where she started her career as a writer and executive producer of Bean Dog Films. She comes into the book business as an enthusiastic reader, activist, and believer that literature is a salve for all seasons.

So, then… who are Olivia & Daisy?

Olivia & Daisy is named after two donkeys that once belonged to Maria Roden, the shop’s original owner. The girls have since moved down to Santa Barbara, but the shop's name and donkey spirit remain our guide. Known for their strong will, determination, and resilience, the donkey reminds us that we never have to shoulder the burden alone. We hope that you find a book, conversation, or connection through Olivia & Daisy that leaves you better than you found us.